Blær Körperlotion

Blær Körperlotion

  • Premium Icelandic Quality

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Die Blær-Körperlotion ist ein Naturprodukt Körperlotion das ein Serum aus wilden arktischen Kräutern enthält, das zusammen mit ehrlichen Inhaltsstoffen ein seidig weiches, kräftiges und gepflegtes Hautgefühl hinterlässt.

Angereichert mit einer exotischen Mischung aus Bio-Limette, Fenchel, Patschuli und Mandarinen.

blær ist isländisch und bedeutet Brise.

Für Veganer geeignet und tierversuchsfrei.

Hergestellt in Island.

Zutaten: Aqua (reines isländisches Quellwasser), Ammoniumlaurylsulfat, Cocamidopropylbetain, (pflanzliches) Glycerin, Natriumlevulinat, Natriumanisat, Aodiumlauroylglutamat, Saccharosecocoat, Natrium-PCA, Betula pubescens-Zweigextrakt*, Arctostaphylos uva ursi-Blattextrakt*, Achillea millefolium-Extrakt*, Salix phylicifolia-Extrakt*, Natriumphytat, Argania spinos, Citrus aurantifolia (Limette)-Öl*, Citrus deliciosa (Mandarine)-Öl*, Natriumphytat, Foeniculum vulgare dulce (Fenchel)-Öl*, Pogostemon cablin (Patchouli)-Öl *, Limonen, Linalool. Alkohol**, *Zutaten aus biologischem Anbau. **Hergestellt aus Bio-Zutaten.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

Blær Body Lotion

Medieval Bedazzle
Best scent ever!

Prepare to be transported to an enchanted forest with the captivating scent of Blaer Body Lotion. Immerse yourself in the essence of nature as the rich, woodsy aroma envelops your senses. Experience the allure of the wilderness as you indulge in the luxurious embrace of this extraordinary lotion. I find myself compelled to draw a parallel between this exquisite creation and the renowned fragrance known as Cartier. The fragrance of Must de Cartier is an exquisite symphony that dances upon the senses, captivating and enchanting all who encounter its allure. This lotion is gives the skin a velvety touch, as if the very essence of luxury has been bottled for your indulgence.

jane dormon
Very impressed!

I have been in love with the Soley body products since my last trip to Iceland, but they were too heavy to take with me, impossible to find for sale in Canada, and too expensive to buy online almost everywhere. Iceland Naturals provided an excellent service with extremely reasonable shipping. I will definitely be using them again. Highly recommended

Christine Young
The very best lotion

Blaer Lotion is so superior to other products that I will continue to use it!

I ordered this stuff to canada!

Ever since I tried this lotion at a spa in Iceland back in 2019 I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Finally, deep in the pandemic, I decided to treat myself to the wonderful moisture, clean ingredients, and herbal aroma of this wonderful product. Made with the quality and care characteristic of that beautiful country. Thrilled with my purchase despite the expense and wait to get it into canada during the pandemic! Will buy again once done.